FAQ & Troubleshoot

General Troubleshooting

  1. Please make sure that you are connected to the Blast Network while interacting with the protocol. For bridging, ensure you're connected to the chain/network you want to bridge.

  2. Please make sure the app is not open on multiple tabs.

  3. Please make sure you are using the RPC recommended by official sources.

  4. If you have multiple accounts in your wallet, please make sure that you are connected to the correct account while interacting with the protocol.

  5. Try hard-refreshing the web page by pressing CTRL+F5

  6. Clear your browser cache and cookies

  7. Your problem might be specific to the browser you’re using. Please switch to another browser and try again so our staff can identify the problem better.

  8. If you are having an issue while using the mobile app please switch from mobile to desktop so our team can identify the problem better.

Come to our Discord Community for more help!

Last updated