Blast Native Yields, Points and Gold

Blast Season 1


Blast Season 1

Unlike typical Layer 2 mainnets, Blast features a diverse array of native yields and points systems.

In collaboration with BladeSwap, in addition to native yields, Aso Finance distributes 100% of Blast Points and Gold earned through the protocol liquidity deposited in BladeSwap to users.

Here is an explanation of how native yields, points, and gold are provided to users.

Blast Native Yields

Blast offers native yields on ETH and USDB. On Aso Finance, these yields are applied as supply APR for these two assets.

Blast Points

100% of the Blast Points earned based on protocol liquidity are directly distributed to users through BladeSwap. The distribution of Blast Points is based on the contribution level of users to Aso Finance’s liquidity. It is calculated using the net balance, which is the total supply value minus the borrowed value, and is distributed in real time.

Blast Gold

All Blast Gold acquired from Aso Finance’s main liquidity pool is distributed entirely to $ASO stakers, taking into account the duration of staking and the volume, thus rewarding contributors proportionally. The distribution of Blast Gold is scheduled in coordination with BladeSwap according to the foundation's distribution cycle and is not distributed in real time.

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